In answer to our request, Sister S.E. McKeen, of Lake City, Iowa, has furnished us the following account of a wonderful case of physical healing. Her statement is entirely reliable. We give it in her own words:
“Last August, I attended a meeting held at Storm Lake, Iowa, for the promotion of holiness, and while there became acquainted with a young minister and wife from Dakota by the name of Cone. Unfortunately for them, they pitched their tent where poison-ivy had grown, and she became sadly poisoned. When I first saw her on Thursday evening, she was suffering from fever, and in great pain. Her face was swollen, her eye bloodshot, and her whole body was covered with the eruption that follows the ivy-poison. Her stomach also refused to retain food or medicine, and if she raised her head she became faint.
“Physicians were consulted, and various remedies tried, but still she found no relief. The tent had been moved, and on Sabbath morning, when I called to see her on my way to the tabernacle to morning service, she was no better. That morning her husband had told me that she wanted them to pray that she might be healed. I went on to the service, but the tent was so crowded, and I was feeling so very tired, that I went to our tent to lie down for rest, and read my Bible. I had lain but a few minutes when her sister-in-law came in, and said that Mrs. Cone wanted me.
On asking what was wanted, she said: “She wants you to pray that she may be healed.” To say that I was surprised does not express it; I was amazed, for ‘ faith-cure’ was something I did not know much about, never having given it any serious thought. I did not understand the work of the Holy Ghost, being myself a new convert to holiness, and having come to this place to be established in the doctrine.
“I said: ‘I’ll go. O Jesus, show me what to say to the dear one, and for her to Thee." I sat down by her bed a moment, and then asked: ‘Do you believe the prayer of faith will save you?’ She quickly answered: ‘Yes.’ I knelt down beside her, and prayed, and the Holy Spirit took complete possession of me, for I did not know where I was or what I said; but when I arose my soul was so full I could not speak. I left her, still in prayer, without a word.
“I was engaged in one of the small tabernacles, and had so completely given her over to Jesus that the whole thing passed from my mind. It was five o’clock when I returned, and as usual went to see how the sister was; when, lot I found her sitting outside her door, and dressed for evening service. When she saw me she said "Praise God! I’m healed.’ Glory to Jesus! The Great Physician had been there and she was restored whole. Her husband had only that morning got permission to leave his tent on the ground, for the Storm Lake physician had said she could not be moved for a week.
Hallelujah! How it strengthened my faith, and how strong I felt to do God’s will. I have often felt my weakness since then, but it has been a bright spot to look back to ever since. I am walking in the highway of holiness, and light streaming down from above makes my pathway all clear, going home to Jesus.”
-Touching Incidents and Remarkable Answers to Prayer - 1893