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Behold, I Send You Forth as Sheep Among Wolves

How continually, as we follow the Lord closely, do His own blessed teachings, His own words, come with full force to our memory, clothed with life and power! One such experience I shall never forget.

We were holding tabernacle meetings in Shiawassee County, Mich. One night, as we gathered to commence, everything looked ominous. The dark countenances of the men gathered on the outside of the congregation, soon broke out in murmured words of threatening. God was working, and the great adversary, “the devil, and father of lies,” had circulated through all the community the report that we were breaking up families; as some, contrary to the wishes of relatives, had decided to take the “narrow way, to “forsake all, and follow Jesus.” The crowd increased, and soon we found it impossible to carry on the service.

Then came the words of Jesus: “Behold, I send you forth as sheep among wolves.” Our little band, as my eye glanced over them, how helpless they looked! As hemming us in was a rough crowd, whose teeth gleamed and whose howlings were like those of wolves. The scene of the martyrdom of Stephen came up right before me. How they gnashed on him with their teeth!

Soon our leader, Brother S. B. Shaw, sprang upon a stump of a tree, saying: “Every one get on his knees, and hold right on to God.” In a lower tone he said: “They have got Brother Jenkinson, and will tear him to pieces, if we do not hold on to God for him."

Soon mighty cries went up unto Him who is able to save. For about two hours the scene lasted. While at its very height, the assuring words came to me from the blessed Savior: “There shall not a hair of your head perish.” Then the crowd began gradually to disperse, and full of thankful joy we lay down in our little tents to slumber; the angel of the Lord encamping round about us.

“I knew,” said Brother Jenkinson, “they could not hurt me while you were holding on to God for me in prayer; and while their fists came down upon me they seemed as soft as pads of velvet.” His clothes were much torn, but not one bruise or mark of violence was upon his person. One man, more full of violent hate than the others, had threatened that he would yet take the life of Brother Jenkinson; but the Lord told him to fear him not, for his enemy was no more in his hands than a little stick, and as easily broken. – Mrs. Sarah A. Cooke.

As this sister has contributed several articles to the of this book, it will not be amiss to say, that we have been acquainted with her ever since the day of our conversion she helped pray us into the light of salvation. We never knew a person to spend more time than she does in prayer, or to manifest more joy in the Lord’s work. She is one of the two sisters, so often mentioned in connection with the experience of Mr. Moody.

They were so greatly burdened for him that Sister Cooke went to him repeatedly, and told him of his lack of power. He was brought under deep conviction, and requested them to pray for him. The three finally went on their knees, and there wrestled with God; he groaning and agonizing until the baptism of fire fell upon him. The world knows the results of the wonderful experience which, under God, these humble sisters were there enabled to lead him into; and for which multitudes praise God on earth, and will praise him in heaven. -- Editor

Touching Incidents and Remarkable Answers to Prayer - 1893

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