I believe it to be a great characteristic of the American heart, that it clings to home and mother. I remember passing over a battlefield, and seeing a man just dying. His mind was wandering. His spirit was no longer on that bloody field; it was at his home far away. A smile passed over his face—a smile, oh, of such sweetness, as looking up, he said: “O mother! O mother! I’m so glad you have come!” And it seemed as if she were there by his side.
By and by he said again: “ It’s cold! It’s cold! Won’t you pull the blanket over me?” I stooped down, and pulled the poor fellow’s ragged blanket closer to his shivering form. And he smiled again: “That will do, mother; that will do!” And so, turning over, he passed sweetly into rest, and was borne up into the presence of God on the wings of a pious mother’s prayers. — G.I Mingins
Touching Incidents and Remarkable Answers to Prayer - 1893